Secrets of Purvashada
Secrets of Purvashada Nakshatra
(13°20'- 26°40' Sagittarius)
"The Popular and Undefeated"
Meaning: The Undefeated
Name: The Invincible Star
Star Name: Kaus Australis, Media, Borealis
Symbol: Hand Fan, Winnowing Basket, Elephant Tusk
Presiding Deity: Apah (goddess of Water)
Planetary Association: Shukra (Venus)
Purushartha: Moksha (Liberation)
Gana: Humanushya (Human)
Varna: Brahmin (Preist)
Element: Vayu (Wind)
Gender: Female
Nadi: Pitta (Fire and Water)
Guna: Rajasic (Passion)
Nature: Urga (Fierce)
Activity: Balanced
Trimurti: Vishnu (To Maintain)
Yoni: Male Monkey
Yoni Consort: Shravana
Shakti: Power to Invigorate
Direction: East
Color: Black
The Direction of Head: Downward
Most Compatible: Adra, Mula, Uttarashadha, Revati
Least Compatible: Pushya, Chitra, Anuradha, Dhanishta
Padas (Quarters of Purvashada)
Luck, Marriage, Microscopic View
Pada 1: 13°20'- 16°40' Sagittarius
Navamsa: Leo
Focus: Famous, Proud, Moral
Pada 2: 16°40'- 20° Sagittarius
Navamsa: Virgo
Focus: Intelligent, Ambitious, Materialistic/Spiritual
Pada 3: 20°- 23°20' Sagittarius
Navamsa: Libra
Focus: Artistic, Charming, Luxurious
Pada 4: 23°20'- 26°40' Sagittarius
Navamsa: Scorpio
Focus: Secretive, Mysterious, Studies Occult Knowledge
Purvashada is positioned from 13°20'- 26°40' of Vedic Sidereal Sagittarius. It can also be found in Western Tropical Capricorn. Purvashada means The Undefeated. It's in a pair with Uttarashada. These are known as the invincibles for their ability to be victorious. However, the former or Purva of the two is always more intense. So, Purvashada is known for being very proud and flamboyant compared to the more grounded nature of Uttarashada. Purvashada is The Invincible Star. The symbols are a hand fan, a winnowing basket, and an elephant tusk. Purvashada's star name is Kaus Australis, Media, and Borealis. The presiding deity is Apah, the goddess of water. Its planetary association is Venus, and Jupiter has an influence because it's entirely in the sign of Sagittarius.
The Invincible Star refers to the optimism that's found in Purvashada. These are individuals who aren't phased by defeat. They possess strong faith. Along with a competitive spirit. Purvashada isn't afraid of confrontation or a challenge. They gladly take it on and are determined to succeed. Sometimes they can even come off as fierce and relentless. Their pride can make them stubborn and unwilling to give up in some circumstances. However, their optimism and cheerfulness can also be very inspiring for others. No matter how many losses they face in life, Purvashada always comes out victorious.
A hand fan is a symbol of superiority. In ancient times, only royalty held a hand fan. These are individuals who are usually popular and highly regarded. Sometimes they are even given important roles or take on leadership positions. Hand fans are also usually decorated eloquently. Purvashada tends to come with high standards. They don't settle for anything. Luxury and beauty tend to attract them. Sometimes they are even flashy and don't mind showing off. Especially if there are negative placements, these are individuals who can go overboard with showing off. They can have an inability to set their pride aside. Purvashada individuals also tend to be very beautiful and attractive. A hand fan can also be used to hide behind. This is connected to Purvashada being very private and secretive. They can even find interest in mysterious subjects. Such as esoteric knowledge. These qualities can also be seen because Purvashada is the last Nakshatra that is ruled by Venus. Making it the height of Venus' influence.
The fan is also connected to another symbol of Purvashada. A winnowing basket is used to separate (fan) the grain from the husk. This is a tool that has been used for survival and sustenance. So, it's a symbol of rejuvenation. Similar to the presiding deity of Purvashada. Apah is the goddess of water. Water is revitalizing. Even the shakti or power of Purvashada is the power to invigorate. So, this is a Nakshatra with a great deal of energy and willpower. Allowing them to obtain victory. They can become very restless, free-spirited, and adventurous. However, the water goddess shows that there is also a hidden sensitive side to these individuals. Yet, they can actually come off as insensitive due to their competitive spirit.
An elephant tusk is another symbol of superiority. Elephants are honored across many cultures for their wisdom, strength, and longevity. Although elephants can be very peaceful, they are ruthless and unstoppable when angry. An elephant charging is considered to be extremely deadly and dangerous to be around. This talks about the connection this Nakshatra has with war. Many people forget that the symbol of Sagittarius is a centaur. In mythology, the centaurs were warriors who defended the good of society. This is the righteous battle of Sagittarius. Well, Purvashadha falls entirely in the sign of Sagittarius. So, these are noble individuals. Even though they can struggle with pride, they can be humble when it comes to the law and willingly follow the right path. Being courageous and standing up for the underdog is in their nature. Puravashada can be ruthless and unyielding when convicting those who have taken the wrong path. Wisdom is also an important quality of this Nakshatra. Purvashada is extremely intelligent and philosophical. They can reach the highest level of education if they choose to.
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