Exploring Ashwini

 Ashwini Nakshatra

Exploring Ashwini (0°- 13° 20' Aries) 

The Cosmic Dawn of Existence

    In Vedic Astrology, the Zodiac signs are based on the position of the stars rather than the Seasons on Earth. This results in a 23-degree difference between the typical Western Tropical Zodiac and the Vedic Sidereal Zodiac. The Moon Sign is also seen as the Zodiac sign vs. the Sun in Western Tropical. While the Sun still holds great importance in representing the soul’s desire or the ego of an individual. The Moon is representing the true nature of a person and the way their mind works. The Ascendant represents the personality, physical body, appearance, and life foundation. 

    Anytime that the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is placed in a Zodiac sign, it holds great importance. The Moon is always the most important. Then the Ascendant. Lastly, the Sun will also make an impact. Primarily, the behavior and appearance of a person are based on the Moon and Ascendant. While the Sun can show what a person feels inspired about, where they shine, and what career path that they feel drawn towards.

    In Vedic Astrology, we also consider Fixed Stars. This is something that relates more to the Moon’s influence than the Sun. Since they can’t be seen from the Western Tropical view. However, this opens up the door to the 27 Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions. Each Zodiac Sign is distributed through 3 to 2.5 Nakshatras. This further distinguishes the Zodiac Signs into three different personality types. Therefore, even a person born under the same Zodiac Sign as someone else can behave differently.
    Ashvini (Ashwini) is the first Nakshatra in the Zodiac. It is found from 0°- 13°20' of Sidereal Aries in Vedic Astrology. Ashwini translates to "Horse Head". This is also sometimes referred to as "Born From a Horse" or "Horse Woman". Its symbol is a couple of horses or a horse's head. Ashwini is also ruled by Ketu and Mars as the ruler of Aries. Along with Ashwini being ruled by the deity of the Ashwini Kumars. It's also the Nakshatra where the Sun reaches its Exaltation (maximum potential). 

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Ketu Depiction

    So, this is a special blog because I haven't yet discussed a Nakshatra that's ruled by Ketu (South Node). Ketu is a very special Graha (planet) because he is a shadow planet and a planet of liberation/enlightenment. To know more about Ketu, check out my blog post Secrets of Ketu (South Node). The influence of Ketu is explosive. Here in Ashwini, Ketu is causing sudden beginnings. As Ashwini is the beginning of everything. It's the life-force energy and the vessel that directs the soul throughout life. This makes Ashwini very instinctual. Individuals born under this Nakshatra tend to act quickly or to act without thinking. Although, sometimes this is a positive quality because Ashwini has powerful intuition. They get sudden inspiration and flashes of insight through Spirit. However, they might have difficulty trusting their inner voice. Going inward and developing trust in their Higher Self is strongly needed. Along with this, the speed of Ashwini makes for an excellent leader. These individuals don't take much time to wait and dislike anything slow. So, they are usually courageous and the first ones to take action. Naturally making them trendsetters and entrepreneurs. People naturally gravitate towards their go-getter attitude towards life. The natural instincts of Ashwini mean that they are self-sufficient and highly independent. They often know what they are doing or will figure it out fairly quickly. An Ashwini individual will try anything at least once. The downside of this personality is that they lack patience and discipline. An Ashwini individual is amazing at starting tasks but might find that they lose interest halfway through. They might even be quick to react when a circumstance doesn't go their way or will quickly change their paths if they don't see the results that they want right away. Ashwini is a Nakshatra that is quick to get caught up in anger, frustration, confrontation, arguments, physical fights, and/or risky behaviors. Making them trouble-makers or instigators at times. Especially if planets are negatively positioned in their charts. There is a lack of fear when it comes to taking risks and a strong need to have a constructive outlet. Despite this, they still have childlike and innocent personalities. Ketu also represents the inner child. So, Ashwini is always in touch with their inner child. Even when being aggressive or impulsive. They are sweet and have a great smile on their faces that is difficult not to love. It doesn't matter how mature or how old they might be. These individuals are always up for games, competition, enjoyment, humor, and most of all they love speed. They have difficulty being patient and waiting. So, Ashwini naturally wants to be in charge of situations and they love to participate in activities that involve speed. Due to this, they might have an affinity towards horses or horse-power in vehicles. So, these are individuals who should be cautious of speed while driving and will most likely love to take trips in their car. Being active in nature, enjoying wide open spaces, being athletic, and going on adventures is also usually enjoyable for them. Ashwini individuals have endless reserves of energy and are constantly restless. They need something to do and might also have difficulty with insomnia due to their difficulty with being inactive. All of these qualities aren't just due to Ketu's influence. It's also because Mars is the ruler of Aries. Although, Ketu is akin to Mars. So, here Ketu ends up amplifying the effects of Mars.

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    The "Horse Head" has a dual meaning to it. Aries represents the head of the human body in Medical Astrology. So, Aries is the head or the leader of the Zodiac. They are the first to take action. Making them natural influencers and motivators to others. As mentioned earlier, Ashwini is great at initiating activity and hates to wait for anything. Just like how a horse wants to break free from its stable and have wide-open space to run in. So, there is a naturally playful and spirited approach to life. However, this isn't all that the "Horse Head" represents. It also literally represents the head. Not the head as in the human head or the ego. This talks about the divine head or the access point for higher knowing. Again, there is a natural intuition or instinct behind these individuals. They don't have to do anything to access this either. It comes suddenly to them. With that comes original ideals and sudden access to knowledge. So, these are highly intelligent individuals. They can have an inclination towards science and discovery. If not, there is simply a natural curiosity. These individuals have many questions and want to learn. Ashwini individuals are very idealistic and open-minded. This also makes them naturally friendly and social. They want to interact with others and make excellent conversationalists and entertainers. The humor that is found in Ashwini is witty and playful. Ashwini naturally wants to make others laugh and to make sure that everyone is having a good time. 

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A Couple of Horses

    The "Horse Head" also goes along with the symbol of a couple of horses. Naturally, Ashwini is independent and full of bravery. They can be "a breath of fresh air" because of these qualities. However,  that doesn't mean they always want to be alone. Ashwini individuals want to have a good time and enjoy life to the fullest. Along with this, they would love to share that experience with someone else. Let us not forget that Libra falls on the opposite axis of Aries. So, someone with an Ashwini Ascendant will find themselves gravitating towards partnership. Someone with an Ashwini Moon will feel this need internally on an emotional level. It might also be subconscious for those who have an Aries Ascendant in their D9 Navamsa Chart. Whether that be with a friend or romantic partner. They want to be with someone who can enjoy life in the way that they do. However, there is a possibility for great conflict in relationships. This is because the Aries can be very dominating in needing to take the lead. Yet, they are likely to get a very harmonious and beautiful partner. So, their partner might not be as lively as they want them to be. It's possible that their partner will be more charming and subtle in their actions. This can be good for calming down the impulsive qualities found in Aries. 

Ashvins - Glorious Hinduism

Depiction of the Ashwini Kumars

    Also, the couple of horses comes from a Vedic legend that pertains to the deity of Ashwini. The "couple of horses" can be seen as twin brothers. These brothers are known as the Ashwini Kumars (Celestial Healers of the gods). They were brothers with miraculous healing abilities. Healing the blind and other complex illnesses instantly with just physical touch and their thoughts alone. So, Ashwini is also connected to healing abilities. Not just healing in the sense of medical practices. Instead, Ashwini individuals tend to be more drawn towards holistic and alternative healing capabilities. Along with the ability to heal the human mind. These individuals can make great psychologists, reiki practitioners, ayurvedic doctors, individuals providing natural products, etc... They believe in the healing qualities of products that come straight from the earth or the healing potential of being actively connected with nature. An Ashwini individual can even have an interest in activities such as yoga, hiking, jogging, and other healthy activities that can be done outdoors. These are incredibly active and youthful individuals. Those with their Ascendant, Moon, 1st House, 2nd House, or an accumulation of prominent planets in Ashwini can even appear to be younger than their actual age or will age gracefully. They can even be naturally healthy or can resist major health concerns in their younger years. However, they can also develop health concerns because of stress, repressed anger, and constant conflicts in life. Along with possibly getting scars on the face or getting injuries from impulsive actions. This connection to health and vitality is also why the Sun reaches Exaltation in Ashwini. The Sun is the planet of willpower and the soul's desire. Along with the Sun relating to the health and well-being of an individual. The Sun is also representing authority and father figures. Relating to the leadership qualities found in Ashwini. 

Additional Facts About Ashwini 

*Disclaimer- Subject to Change Based on Other Astrological Influences*

Purushartha (Aim of Life)- Dharma (Purpose and Karmic Duty)
Gana (Temperament)- Deva: Innocent and Pure-Intended, High Standards, Righteous
Caste- Vaishya (Merchant): Entrepreneur, Good People Skills, Convincing
Tattva (Elemental Class)- Earth
Trimurthi (3 Forms of Supreme Divinity)- Lord Brahma (To Create)
Yoni (Sexual Type)- Male Horse: Active, Energetic, Strong, Youthful
Bird Type- Swan: Beautiful, Natural, Lively
Gender- Male
Nadi (Aryuvedic Type)- Vata (Air and Akasha): Quick, Thin, Light, Dry, Witty 
Nature- Passive: Easygoing, Beautiful, Healthy
Quality- Rajastic: Energetic, Passionate, In Motion 
The Direction of Head- Upward Facing
Directional Strength- East: Place of New Beginnings 
Body Parts Rulership- Head, Eyes, Face, Ears
Physical Body- Beautiful/Handsome Face, Large and Bright Eyes, Broad Forehead, Thin or Athletic Frame, Shorter Unless Changed Through Planets, Calm and Mysterious Expression
Health- Usually Good in Fitness and Diet, Potential Issues With Sinus; Ears; Eyes; Injuries to Head/Face; Headaches; Indigestion; Blood Diseases; Inflammatory Diseases; Accidents; Stress; Anger; Burnout
Overall Characteristic- Energetic, Enthusiastic, Doesn't Settle For Less, Finishes Tasks Quickly, Quick Moving, Active, Initiates Ideals, Athletic, Intelligent, Mysterious, Interested in Religion, Interested in Occult Knowledge, Interested in Paranormal Activity, Fearless, Courageous, Uncontrollable Anger, Defeats Opponents, Romantic, Calm in Appearance, Highly Capable, Self Sufficient, Stubborn and Independent in Decisions, Loyal Friend, Family-Oriented, Respects Traditional Values, Desire to Help Others, Faithful, Experiments With Modern Values, Neat and Organized, Caretaker, Charming, Fashionable, Playful
Education- Can Do Well in Music; Art; Literature; Athletics, Short Attention Span but Very Studious and Quick to Learn, Jack of All Subjects, Natural Problem-Solver
Family- Lover of Family; Tradition; and Coziness of Home, Usually Closer to Mother, Possible Difficulties With the Father, Can Have a Happy Married Life
Career Interests- Medical Doctor, Surgeon, Emergency Medic, Alternative Healer, Shaman, Mystical Practitioner, Astrologer, Herbalist, Pharmacist, Counselor, Engineer, Law Enforcement, Military, Gardener, Racer, Athlete, Fitness Coach, Motivational Coach, Explorer
Most Compatible- Bharani (Transformative), Pushya (Nurturing), Ashlesha (Mystical)
Least Compatible- Uttara Phalguni (Stable), Hasta (Charming), Mula (Philosophical)

Padas (Quarters) of Ashwini 

Navamsa (Luck, Marriage, and Microscopic View)

Pada 1: 0°- 3°20' of Aries
Navamsa: Aries (Virgottama)
Focus: Energetic, Courageous, Impulsive

Pada 2: 3°20'- 6°40' of Aries
Navamsa: Taurus
Focus: Practical, Resourceful, Charming

Pada 3: 6°40- 10° of Aries
Navamsa: Gemini
Focus: Intelligent, Humorous, Communication Skills

Pada 4: 10°- 13°20' of Aries (Sun's Exaltation)
Navamsa: Cancer
Focus: Healing, Compassionate, Intuitive

Celebrities With Ashwini Nakshatra

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Ashwini Moon

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Ashwini Moon

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Tessa Thompson 

Ashwini Ascendant


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***Charts are done using Vedic Astrology ***

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-Daquan Jones

Psychic Empath, Clairvoyant, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Vedic Astrologer


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