Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio ♏️/Libra ♎️ (October 13- November 3, 2020)

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio ♏️/Libra ♎️

October 13- November 3, 2020

    Everyone's favorite time of year is right around the corner. Mercury is getting ready for the 3rd and final Retrograde of the year. Yes, Mercury Retrogrades 3 times every year. Mercury is the fastest planet if you don't count the Moon as a planet. Mercury has 2 domiciles and 2 exaltations. Mercury's domiciles are Gemini and Virgo. This is because these are the 2 most logical signs in the Zodiac. However, Mercury is expressed differently in Gemini vs. Virgo. Gemini is the masculine (active) side of Mercury. It is the Zodiac Sign that loves to communicate. While Virgo is the feminine (observant) side of Mercury that loves to analyze. Mercury is said to be Exalted in Virgo because it isn't just about the exchange of thoughts. Virgo is an Earth sign giving it the ability to use thoughts practically. Mercury is also said to be Exalted in Aquarius because Aquarius isn't just about the basic communication. Aquarius is curious about everything and wants to connect to various walks of life. This why we call Aquarius the Humanitarian. This is all due to Mercury being the planet of quick logical decisions. Whenever Mercury Stations Retrograde, it forces us to slow down from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Technology can fail us, there can be misunderstandings in conversations, missed opportunities, or revisiting of past experiences. So a Mercury Retrograde might not be an enjoyable experience. However, it is a beneficial experience to slow down enough to reassess, revise, replan, and reevaluate. Usually, Mercury Retrogrades in Water signs because Mercury is used to being quick and logical. It isn't so interested in coming back down into the body and being present in the moment. Hence why out of all of the Zodiac Signs, Gemini and Virgo are the most prone anxiety, nervousness, overthinking, overanalyzing, stress, and restlessness. Much like a computer, if Mercury doesn't slow down, "the whole system will overheat and crash." Now, there are exceptions to this rule. Mercury doesn't always Retrograde in a Water sign. 

    On September 23, 2020, Mercury will enter Pre-Shadow at 25°of Libra. Pre-Shadow is a phase where a planet begins to slow down to prepare a Retrograde. This gives us time to prepare for the "main event." During this time, many sensitive individuals can already feel what's coming at a subtle level. On October 13, 2020, Mercury officially Stations Retrograde at 11°of Scorpio. Scorpio is a very complex sign because it is a Fixed Water sign traditionally ruled by Mars and modernly ruled by Pluto. The interesting thing about Scorpio is that there's a great level of receptiveness and sensitivity because it is a Water sign. However, there's a great level of stubbornness and intensity as a Fixed sign and a great level of power and defensiveness because of the ruler of Mars and Pluto. So, while Scorpio is very sensitive, it doesn't reveal it and can even use sensitivity as a weapon. This leads to what Scorpio is really about. Scorpio is about the activities that are done in private or the topics that we keep secret. This is the sign associated with taboo subjects, intimacy, fears, obsession, subtle manipulation, nuclear power, control, occult practices, esoteric knowledge, psychology, politics, government secrets, crisis, trauma, death, and healing transformation. So, the curiosity of Mercury paired with the mysterious nature of Scorpio is a powerful combination. Those born under Mercury in Scorpio aren't necessarily the most logical or detailed individuals. However, they make great investigators and can pick up on subtle cues. So, this transit of Mercury in Scorpio will already make us want to dive deeper and search for answers hidden behind the scenes. With a Retrograde on top of that, this will be a time of facing our deepest fears and emotional traumas. During a Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, many people will reassess their lives and decide to make major life changes. 

    It doesn't stop there though. On October 27, 2020, Mercury Retrogrades back into the Sign of Libra. Now, this might like a bit of a breather after having to explore our depths with Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio. Mercury loves being in Libra because of the ability to relate and connect to others. However, sometimes Mercury in Libra can be a bit of a pushover. In this timeframe, if you find yourself letting others walk over you, it's time to take a deeper look within. Remember that Scorpio and Libra are both signs that deal with relationships. So, those struggling with relationships or trying to find balance within your life, this is a great time to look at where you are at. Reassess the situation. Are you giving or taking too much from your relationship. Many times, we tend to believe that being overly generous is a form of kindness. However, it is actually selfish. To passively-aggressively give everything to someone without making your own needs met is an ego-centered act. Here's why. If you expect another person to know what your needs are, they won't know where your boundaries. You will expect them to give you a certain level of love and attention, but you won't receive it. Instead, you will feel neglected or treated unfairly. However, if you were to just clearly state your needs and boundaries, that issue would've been non-existent. Now, on the opposite end. If you aggressively lash at others immediately because they are crossing boundaries, then you aren't being fair. You aren't giving that person a chance to do better. So, a balance has to be found. We can't passively shy away and become passive-aggressive later on, and we can't become hostile and aggressive towards those we interact with. The goal is to take an assertive stance to clearly communicate your needs and boundaries to the other. If this person continually disrespects your boundaries, then it might be time to let them go. 

    These are the lessons that are sure to come up during this Mercury Retrograde. So, be sure you are setting healthy boundaries to be loving towards yourself and others. If you find yourself in crisis or out of balance in your relationships, it might be time to step back and really evaluate everything on a deeper level. On November 3, 2020, Mercury Stations Direct at 25°of Libra. Hence, this is where the Pre-Shadow Began. So, at this point, Mercury has successfully cleared its shadow. Therefore, the Retrograde is over. However, you might feel slight "aftershocks" from the experiences. This is what is called Post- Shadow. Mercury leaves Post-Shadow on November 19, 2020, at 11°. That's because the Retrograde also started at 11°. So, it has fully cleary all of the remains of the Retrograde Phase. This is a recovery period for Mercury. So, during this time everything is still in the process of going back to normal. I wouldn't worry about any major Mercury lessons showing up in this phase. Yet, you might feel small lessons still showing up to remind you of the reflection you've gone through and the work that needs to be done moving forward. If you didn't learn from the Mercury Retrograde, the cycle will continue with the next Mercury Retrograde.

Scorpio- 1st House &12th House- Starting out this Retrograde reevaluating your life experiences and the way you approach them. Then diving into subconcous blocks related to your experiences. This is a great time to remove fears and secrets that stop you from making yourself seen for who you are.

Libra- 12th House & 11th House- Starting out this Retrograde reevaluating your karma and your dreams. Then seeing how those losses and visions for the future could have been beneficial or non beneficial for your future. This is a great time to remove procrastination/over-thinking and not to allow setbacks to stop you.

Virgo- 11th House & 10th House- Starting out this Retrograde reevaluating your success and achievements. Then looking at whether it gave you a feeling accomplishment or shaped the public image that you wanted to build for yourself. This is a great time to celebrate what you were able to achieve and to change or release the things you did find fulfillment in. 

Leo- 10th House & 9th House- Starting out this Retrograde reeval

Cancer- 9th House & 8th House

Gemini- 8th House & 7th House

Taurus- 7th House & 6th House

Aries- 6th House & 5th House

Pisces- 5th House & 4th House

Aquarius- 4th House & 3rd House

Capricorn- 3rd House & 2nd House

Sagittarius- 2nd House & 1st House

Mercury Enters Pre-Shadow September 23, 2020

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio ♏️ October 13, 2020

Mercury Retrograde in Libra ♎️ October 27, 2020

Mercury Direct November 3, 2020

Mercury Leaves Post Shadow November 19, 2020

-Daquan Jones; Professional Astrologer, Psychic, Life Coach, Author, Content Creator

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